Friday, December 30, 2011

Yet another great Breagy "quote"

Has anyone noticed (or is it just me) that we seem to have a lot of crazy quotables and such going on at our house recently? The other recent ones are on the family blog; if you have not read them yet, you HAVE to. They're great, imho. This one that I am about to post is by a very unlikely candidate- my wonderful father ;)

In my "stocking" this year (our family uses cowboy boots), I got a face mask that you apply. I put it on two days ago and looked quite ridiculous... the mask was green. I was told that I looked like the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera, Megamind from Megamind, and Data from Star Trek. Anyway, with the face mask still on, I decided to call Maybelline New York, as I had been having problems with their mascara. So, I said to Dad, "Hey Dad; I'm going to call Maybelline, the makeup company, now- is that alright with you?" He said "Why? Can you not get that off?" pointing to my face mask, with a rather horrified expression. I must admit, that was the last thing that I thought he was going to say ;)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Chocolate Cake

Sorry that I've been making myself scarce lately, but I'm back- at least for today. Yesterday, I went over to my friend Olivia's house to bake a cake with her for her French Class assignment. It was a triple-layer cake with a filling and a frosting. It took us a while to make, but it was loads of fun.

Before it's frosted...

...After it's frosted

Major Hair Help

Could someone puhleez remind me why I never, ever, ever do my hair in rag curlers? I'm not kidding, this is my real hair... I wish it was a wig ;)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Airsoft Fight

I'm back from the land of no internet. Yes, our internet has been down for a week and we just got it up again.
Anyway, we went up to our friends house in WF to spend the day with them. While there, Stephen, Jake, Anna and I had an airsoft fight. It. Was. So. Much. Fun. I had never played before and really didn't think that I would like it, but I did.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A tip for goat people

When you call to have your goat castrated, don't forget to ask the vet what you can do for another one of your goats who has gotten into the dog food. The vet's reply might be to use Pepto-Bismal. Yes; Pepto-Bismal... for a goat. Your next question might be "How do I do this?"... Well, let the (now) expert 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up :) You first buy a plastic ketchup container, like the ones that they use in restaurants, then put in about 2 TBSPs (for an 80 lb. goat). Then take your two friends that are visiting you and your sister and go outside to give the goat her medicine. And yes, it does take four people to give a goat her medicine.

You can't see me, but I'm against the fence with the goat's neck pinned in-between my legs

Doesn't this look like so much fun? ;D

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dog kennel or ship?

My adorable brothers decided to go sailing in Titus's dog house- I remember doing that kind of stuff a few years ago

Titus was a little unsure as to what was happening to his house and wondered why there were two cute boys in it

My "Bestest friends" (note: all of my siblings are my bestest friends, fyi ;) )

Miss B decided that she could not be left out of the fun

Friday, December 2, 2011

The many uses of a box

Stephen is in the box, btw :)

A thought (or two) on idols

The question is not "Is your heart worshiping anything?", but rather "What is your heart worshiping?". If you worship anything other than God, you have an idol. No, I'm not talking about an actual carved image (which is also an idol), I'm talking about a heart issue. Jeremiah 17:9 says that The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? Our hearts are so depraved, that we can't even keep our eyes focused solely on the One who created us; and I am talking about myself too. One of the first questions that we should ask is "How do you identify an idol?" I really liked John Piper's article on this subject, you can find it here. Now, after reading that, what are the idols in your life? I think that what he said about idolatry being the root of almost all problems is so true. When I really dig down into the heart of the issue, I can prove that fact for myself. I have also found that, during the times that I have been the most swamped with idols, is when I am struggling in my relationship with God. By staying close to Him, making sure that our eyes are fixed on Him, we don't turn aside to other things as easily. Now, I'm not saying that all of your problems will go away, but they will diminish to a large degree. I think that this sums it up for us:
        • Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
          Look full in His wonderful face,
          And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
          In the light of His glory and grace.

This is actually referring to salvation, but I would say that it also applies to this situation. Just look to Him for everything that you need. So, as always, I would really appreciate your prayers on this subject, as I seek to turn and keep my focus on my King.